Part 1: Planning good tuition – a model
The didactic relation model – digital facilitation of flexible teaching
Didactic relation models are good starting points and aids for planning tuition. An early model was developed by Bjørndal and Lieberg[1] in 1978. Figure 1 presents a slightly adjusted version[2] adapted to a digital context where learning outcome descriptors guide the tuition. The model shows interdependent elements for planning tuition, without a fixed order. The model is used dynamically, where all elements affect each other. It can be used as a planning checklist, including for online tuition. The first part of this guide is structured such that the main chapters follow the elements in the model.
Using this model as an analytical tool, preferably in several rounds, can both quality-assure and document that most of the aspects important to the facilitation of a learning process have been considered. The end product is often a compromise, however, as all the elements cannot be addressed equally well all the time. The analysis must also be repeated every time the programme or course is evaluated to ensure continuous quality improvement. An analysis and planning tool to aid this work is included at the end of the guide.
The assessments and analysis below do not only apply to online tuition, but also form the basis for high-quality tuition in general.
Bjørndal, B. & Lieberg, S. (1978). Nye veier i didaktikken?: en innføring i didaktiske emner og begreper. Aschehoug.
Further developed at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Centre for Lifelong Learning 2002
Translated by EPALE Norge and HK-dir