Part 1: Planning good tuition – a model
4: Pedagogical approach
Pedagogical approach is about how we look at learning, what promotes and inhibits learning, and thus how best to ensure that students achieve the intended learning outcomes.
Learning philosophy
Traditionally, the main focus of teaching has been on individuals learning alone and in dialogue with their tutor. A learning philosophy based on social constructivism, on the other hand, implies that we learn within the framework of our thought patterns and our understanding, and that we are part of a learning community that learns and develops knowledge together. People benefit from interacting with and increasing their competence together with others. Language and communication are key in this context.
This guide is based on a social constructivist approach to teaching. Teaching is planned based on the student, at the same time as collaborative learning and social learning are key. The idea is that being active and interacting with other students and tutors promotes learning. This is an important point of departure for facilitating online learning activities and meeting places. Facilitating interaction will thus be important.
Flexible teaching methods means that learning activities and communication with other students, tutors and subject matter often take place in digital channels. Chapter 6 Learning activities and resources deals with tools and methods for digital communication, interaction, completion of assignments and other activities, and Part 2 of this guide presents a number of specific examples, advice and tips.

Translated by EPALE Norge and HK-dir