Introduction - Fleksibel utdanning Norge

Why is it important to facilitate online learning and teaching? The flexibility and possibility to work independent of time and place is perhaps the greatest and most striking advantage. This flexibility can apply to both the student and the tutor. The possibilities for variation are another benefit, as there are many different ways of working and students can access varied resources in different media. Digital facilitation also provides good opportunities for working and learning in networks and developing knowledge with others.

Tutors need both teaching skills and digital literacy as well as subject knowledge. These are not considered three separate areas of knowledge or skills, as they influence each other.

What knowledge, skills and general competence should students develop, and how should we ensure that they achieve the expected learning outcomes? These questions are key to planning of all tuition, but how should this be done for flexible forms of learning? What digital platforms and tools can or should we use? How can we use digital tools to facilitate suitable work methods and good learning processes that stimulate and support both learning and learning outcomes?

Developing high-quality programmes or courses requires careful planning. Flexible completion methods often make the planning process more complicated because more factors have to be considered. Planning must also encompass the use of digital channels, and which parts of the programme are to be conducted synchronously and asynchronously. This guide is intended as an aid in such planning work. 

The target group for the guide is primarily those who work on developing, planning and carrying out teaching and learning activities in programmes where digital facilitation is important. Nonetheless, we hope that managers, administrative staff, ICT employees and others will also benefit from it.

This guide, except the illustrations, is licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Delfinansiert av Den europeiske union

Translated by EPALE Norge and HK-dir

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