The quality of digitally enbled teaching
According to the Quality Committee, there is no difference, in principle, between the quality of online and face-to-face teaching. Most teaching today probably combines the two. What is important is that the use of digital learning arenas provides different possibilities and challenges than when the students and tutor are in the same place. This guide deals with these possibilities and challenges.
Students can access subject matter, information and learning resources in digital channels, often through a learning platform, where they can work individually or together with others on different types of activities. A learning process can be facilitated involving cooperation, discussion, reflection and exchange of experience, as well as various forms of presentations and input from other students and tutors. Supervision, feedback and assessment can also be provided in this channel, thus creating a digital arena for everything that defines and is a prerequisite for good teaching and learning.
Thorough planning, carefully considered choices and comprehensive facilitation are required to enable students to achieve the intended learning outcomes on completion of the programme. This applies regardless of the arenas the tuition takes place in and of the technology used.
In the following, we will look at various aspects that, individually and together, can contribute to high-quality flexible learning and tuition.
Translated by EPALE Norge and HK-dir