Final assessment: Assessment of learning  - Fleksibel utdanning Norge

Assessment of learning, also called final assessment, is intended to inform and provide certification for further education and work.

Final assessment has a strong impact on students’ learning strategies, work methods and priorities. For example, Biggs and Tang (26) emphasise how final assessment guides student behaviour. Many students adopt learning behaviour or strategies at an early stage of their studies, according to the type of final assessment they will undergo.

It is thus essential to choose forms of assessment that are appropriate for the learning outcomes described for the course. For example, if a learning outcome descriptor states that the candidate can communicate verbally and in writing, the form of assessment must reflect this. Biggs and Tang point out that students and tutors may have different perspectives on assessment. The figure below illustrates this while implicitly showing how assessment impacts learning strategies.

Figure 6 Students and tutors often have different focuses (from Biggs and Tang, 2009)

Clear and well-defined criteria are important in all assessment work. Involving the students in the preparation of assessment criteria may give them a stronger sense of ownership and greater understanding of the subject, the learning outcome descriptors and the competence aims, and of what should be assessed and why. Students’ assessment competence can be developed through experience of different assessment practices during a teaching trajectory.


  1. 26

    Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2009). Teaching for Quality Learning at University (Third Edition). Open University Press, McGraw-hill education.

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