Trust in the assessment situation - Fleksibel utdanning Norge

Assessment has the potential to promote learning because assessments can be made through activity, interaction and reflection. Students must apply, analyse, assess, create and reflect as part of the learning process. They must also assess other people’s work and make their work available for others to comment on. (24) This kind of situation will naturally make some students feel vulnerable because they lay bare their own work. David Carless therefore emphasises the importance of trust in assessment situations. (25) He argues that building trust and good relationships between tutors and students is important because it creates a sense of well-being and affects students’ engagement in the learning process. Without trust, there is a risk that people will withhold information, which will negatively affect their learning outcomes.


  1. 24

    Fossland T. (2015): Digitale Læringsformer i høyere utdanning.

  2. 25

    Carless, D. (2012). Trust and its role in facilitating dialogic feedback. In Feedback in higher and professional education (90–103). Routledge.

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