This guide is the result of an extensive group effort - Fleksibel utdanning Norge

Flexible Education Norway (Fleksibel utdannning Norge) works to ensure quality education for all, regardless of location, life situation and individual needs. This also involves improving the quality of teaching in flexible, online and digitally enabled education. We will work to ensure that those in a learning process receive the best possible support through well-organised teaching, learning activities and assessment.

In addition to our Standards for high-quality flexible education and training, we have created a practical quality guide in close cooperation with our Quality Committee. The guide has primarily been created for those who work on developing flexible education and training programmes, and for those involved in teaching and supervision in digital channels. The guide was first published in 2017. However, a great deal has happened in the field since then, and in 2022/2023, the guide underwent a thorough revision.

Part 2 in particular, which contains specific advice and examples, was completely rewritten because both the technology and its use have evolved a great deal in just a few years, but we have also taken the opportunity to update the rest of the content. The 2023 revision resulted in a hybrid guide with this online version in addition, to the printed book.

We hope that the guide will serve as a useful tool, while it should continue to be further developed and updated regularly. Constructive criticism, comments and input are therefore welcome.

Flexible Education Norway would like to thank the Quality Committee for the effort and expertise they have invested in this guide.

For 2022/2023, the Quality Committee has consisted of Mette Villand, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (chair); Line Nilsen, BI Norwegian Business School; Katrine Utgård, Directorate for Higher Education and Skills; Gerhard Yngve Amundsen, NOKUT; Irene Lona, OsloMet; Ole Fredrik Stevning and Stine Hvila Lind, Viken Higher Vocational College; and Rebecca Nordby Johansen, Kristiania University College. Anna Steen-Utheim of the University of South-Eastern Norway and Randi Elisabeth Hagen of Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences have also contributed special expertise in assessment and universal design, respectively. 

The key authors of the 2017 version were: Toril Eikaas Eide, Anne B Swanberg, Gjermund Eikli, Anders Nome, Michelle Storakeren, Wenche Halvorsen, Blake W Miller and Anne Mette Bjørgen.

In addition, many of Flexible Education Norway’s members have provided input, corrections and comments.

Kari Olstad and Audhild Håvaldsrud of Flexible Education Norway have been the committee’s secretaries.

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Translated by EPALE Norge and HK-dir

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